The restoration of the ruin by the "Pölla Aktiv" association
The association "Pölla Aktiv" leased the ruin Dobra from the Windhag Stipendienstiftung in 1996 in order to make it accessible to the public again and to create an attractive visitor destination by using the keep as a lookout tower.
The work had to be carried out carefully so as not to destroy the character of the ruins and still ensure the safety necessary for visitors. A particularly sensitive task was the installation of the staircase in the keep. The aim was to keep the encroachment on the existing building fabric as low as possible, to make do with the small opening in the ceiling, to preserve the spatial effect when entering the keep and, in accordance with the Venice Charter, to make new things clearly recognizable as such. For this reason, and in order to be able to build a delicate staircase, galvanized iron was used as the material. By running the staircase on only two walls and the fact that the majority of the staircase is above the entrance and therefore not visible when entering, it was possible to preserve the spatial effect. To make do with the small opening in the ceiling, a spiral staircase was chosen for the ceiling passage. Since this staircase cannot be used in both directions at the same time, a gallery was built at its beginning. The remains of the original battlement were incorporated into the viewing level and ensure a good panoramic view of the charming forest and lake landscape.
The design of the staircase was drawn up by Dr. Reidinger. The very successful execution was carried out by the locksmith's shop Lehenbauer from Zwettl. A particular difficulty in the execution was that, due to the local conditions, it was necessary to dispense with aids that are taken for granted today, such as the use of a crane.
Award for exemplary construction
In the fall of 2002, we received the awards for exemplary buildings in Lower Austria for the installation of the staircase. Dr. Reidinger as planner, the chairman Bgm. Müllner as well as board member Karl Baier accepted the award with joy.
Since the keep was opened to the public in 2000, the renovation work has continued apace. While the work in the first phase focused on the highest structure of the ruin - the keep - the next phase of restoration concentrated on the cellar of the Dobra ruin. With the support of numerous volunteers, three interconnected cellars were uncovered. The largest cellar with a length of 17 m and a width of 7 m is also suitable as an event room.
A special challenge was the renovation of the up to 10 m high western outer wall, which had to be partially renewed due to the poor condition of the building. With the completion of this construction stage, the keep, the cellar rooms and the first castle courtyard are open to the public. In the area of this courtyard there are well-preserved window cornices with ornamented house stone cladding, which still show something of the former beauty of this building.
In the course of the third stage, further areas of ruins as well as the second keep were renovated and the bridge between the main and outer castle was rebuilt. The draft plan for the bridge was drawn by the architecture department of the Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments. On the basis of this design, the Retter company drew up a submission plan and calculated the statics. After the construction negotiations and approval by the Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments, the bridge was erected by our workers with the active help of bridge master Ernst Rauscher. The wood for the bridge was provided free of charge by the Windhag Stipendienstiftung - many thanks for this.
The last stage for the time being was the construction of an event room (17 m x 7 m) with kitchen and sanitary facilities in the northeastern part of the ruin. The very appealing design was kindly provided by Dr. Sima and Ms. DI Hoche-Donaubauer from the Architecture Department of the Federal Monuments Office. The plan drawn on the basis of this design was implemented by the company Hartl Haus in spring 2009 after the official approvals. With expert advice from the Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments (selection of materials and colors for the sanitary area, the windows, etc.), the interior work was carried out. In the adjoining ruin area a terrace was built and the outer wall was restored as a fall protection. The work was completed at the end of April 2010.
So far, volunteers have contributed about. 8000 unpaid working hours. About € 800.000,- have been invested for the renovation. We received support from the Department of Culture of the Province of Lower Austria, the Federal Monuments Office, the Village and Urban Renewal, Eco Plus and the market town of Pölla. A considerable part of the funds was raised by the association.
With the opening of the Quarter Festival, on May 7, 2010, by Governor Dr. Erwin Pröll in the ruins of Dobra, the new rooms were officially put into operation.